Resources » Navigating sports nutraceutical packaging challenges

Navigating sports nutraceutical packaging challenges

Sports Nutraceutical Packaging Challenges

Walk into any retailer and you will see shelves lined with sports nutraceuticals. The focus on health, wellness and aging well has fueled the demand for these products. But launching or expanding your sports nutrition product line comes with some challenges.

These include everything from product line expansions to the threat of counterfeiting, effective front label design, type size issues and industry-wide uniformity. You can address these challenges by using an experienced label and packaging partner!

5 sports nutraceutical packaging challenges

Understanding the challenges of packaging design and creation for sports nutraceutical products is essential for planning your production strategy. After all, there is stiff competition all appealing to your target audience. The top 5 nutraceutical packaging challenges include:

  • Product line expansions can be risky if competitors have more time, experience, budget and resources or if you’ve miscalculated what the public wants out of a product.
  • Counterfeiting of fake supplements can steal business away from your products, damage your reputation and even put your customer’s buyer’s health at risk.
  • Effective front label design can be difficult to nail if you’re off target with consumers’ interests and appetites.
  • Type size is a major challenge for packaging companies who try to fit detailed disclosures and disclaimers on a label while addressing consumer demands for transparency.
  • Industry-wide uniformity can be an issue as packaging and labeling for many sports nutraceutical products can look very similar due to commonly used printing technologies.

Don’t settle for just a visually pleasing package. Read the “Labels Get Your Sports Nutrition Products Across the Finish Line” whitepaper to find out how dynamic designs can mark your vitamin bottles, protein powder containers or anything in between designs as diamonds in the rough.

Ready to revolutionize your labels?

Reach out to our skilled team at Resource Label Group to find out how we can help your branding reach the next level. Together, we can create a beautiful label that helps tell your company’s story to the world.

Find the best solution that makes the most sense for your brand.