Resources » Tell us about your sustainability journey. Take the survey!

Tell us about your sustainability journey. Take the survey!

Have you been proactive in implementing eco-friendly practices in your organization, including labels and packaging? Now you have an opportunity to find out how your sustainability program stacks up. Participate in our first RLGreen Customer Survey – Six easy questions below.

  • See how your answers compare to others in your industry
  • Gain market intelligence about sustainability in labeling and packaging

Start the survey below. We’ll send you a full report of the results and more information about advances in sustainability.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
All companies will need to be using a sustainable solution for labeling and packaging in the near future.
Switching to sustainable solutions for labeling and packaging will take too much work.
Sustainable solutions for labeling and packaging are too expensive.
Companies will only switch to sustainable solutions for labeling and packaging if they’re required to do so by regulations.
Consumers are willing to pay more for products that have a commitment to making their package recyclable.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
My organization has a sustainability business objective.
My organization has a commitment to changes in our packaging and labeling to meet sustainability objectives.
Our customers rate sustainability as an important part of their buying decision.
Our organization measures our sustainability efforts.
Sustainability is more important to my organization than it was 12 months ago.
We’ve seen a measurable return on investment from our sustainable packaging and labeling efforts and projects.
Not important at allNot importantNeutralImportantVery important
Easily recycled or composted
Right-sized for my product (uses less material or lighter-weight materials)
Made from recycled materials
Produced with fewer carbon emissions
Delivered with a zero-emissions vehicle
Meets a sustainable certification standard (such as FSC, SFI, PCR, Plastic Neutral or Carbon Neutral)
Which of these represent your three biggest challenges in achieving your sustainability goals?
Select up to three (3)

Tell Us About Your Organization

How many employees does your company have?
You may choose to submit this survey anonymously. If you’d like us to send you the results once the survey is complete, please provide your email address.
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