Tamper evident labels

Tamper evident labels are a key solution to providing added security and authentication to products beyond packaging. Sometimes security packaging isn’t enough or it isn’t the best option, but a tamper evident label could fill in the gaps and provide the security your product needs.
There are two goals with tamper evident labels: we want the consumer to recognize if a product has been tampered with, but we also want the manufacturer to be able to authenticate their product. Customer recognition of tampering involves a label that typically shows damage when disrupted, such as any label that covers the opening of a package. Additionally, labels with product authentication markings has been an option manufacturers have used for years.
Manufacturers want to ensure their product’s authentication throughout the buying process. Based on the configuration, there are certain types of inks we can use to authenticate a product. The consumer might not know the difference, but the person who created it would know. Along with holograms and specialty inks, we’re seeing an increase in RFID and NFC labels used for product authentication. While these are particularly helpful for the manufacturers, NFC labels can be used by consumers to authenticate the product they are looking to purchase.
There are a wide variety of markets that currently use tamper evident labels regularly and some that are just starting to see their benefits. Food and beverage, pharmaceutical and consumer care products have long used tamper evident labels, but the cosmetics industry continues to find these added levels of security a beneficial option.
What are the benefits of working with Resource Label Group for tamper evident labels?
Creating tamper evident labels isn’t anything new, manufacturers have had the capability for years. What sets Resource Label Group apart from others is our knowledge of adhesives for the right substrates to ensure a safe and functioning label, our stock of materials and our press capabilities. We have the right materials, adhesives and equipment to produce a vastly extensive array of tamper evident labels. Our presses enable us to run labels through multiple ways to achieve a variety of configurations that are impossible to achieve on traditional presses.
Printing options
There are multiple styles of tamper evident labels. Shrink sleeve, pressure sensitive and film versions can create a seal over the opening of a package, others can leave something behind when peeled like a message or void materials. We can die cut labels to create specific shapes for design and functionality. Many of the technologies we use for other labels can be incorporated into a tamper evident label such as various colors, protective coatings and more. Resource Label Group has lots of configurations, constructions and applications to ensure the right label for your product.
How we can help you
Tamper evident labels are actually fairly simple in design, it’s more about the method you would want to use them in. We work with manufacturers on the method and help determine which options should be considered. Most tamper evident labels can be printed with the design your art team creates. Design takes a bigger consideration when considering a shrink sleeve since the process will distort whatever is printed on the label. Resource Label Group has the software to account for the shape of the bottle and the shrink of the label to ensure the printed graphics appear as intended.
Tamper evident labels are a unique market that not every label manufacturer wants to specialize in. The various configurations and constructions are challenging to many who don’t have the expertise or equipment. Resource Label Group is able to consult with you every step of the way and produce a tamper evident label that combines aesthetics and functionality due to our expertise and exceptional equipment.
Request a consultation
Learn more about tamper evident labels, their importance and how we can create them to fit your specific needs. Our team members are prepared to answer any questions you have and start finding solutions to your label needs. Contact us to speak with one of our label experts.
Ready to provide consumers with added security and authentication?